Sunday, September 26

so good.

so again, i don't remember the last thing i wrote but whatever. after an interesting week, this weekend was soo good! fall retreat was amazing. i got to hang out with a lot of Jesus-lovin folk. awesome worship. awesome talks. meeting the freshman girls. seeing rachel!!!! recentering. such good stuff. and then this afternoon/night was the a cappella choir's first two performances. had to leave fall retreat slightly early to be back in time, but whatever. i really enjoy singing in the big group. all our voices together sound so good. and at the second church the resonance was amazing. you also get a chance to talk to your fellow members and hang out waiting for rehersal and for the concert and eating after. we sing grace and then sing thank you to the church folk who feed us. it's so cheezy yet so fun. :) those robes can get hot, and standing for forever in the not most comfortable shoes too, but you just gotta ignore it ;)
this weekend was really good just to remind me of everything i have in life. all my blessings and just re-centering me in general. :)
now to bed...

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