Thursday, January 12

the power.

the power in me is the power that raised Christ from the dead.

that's pretty crazy when you think about it.  as a new creation and daughter of God, He indwells me just as He indwelt Christ.  now obviously there are some differences between Christ and i, the whole perfect Lamb and dying for the sins of the world part... but we forget the power we have inside of us.  here i am at the beginning of crazy busy hard semester freaking out that things are gonna get done when i don't even have anything to do yet.  but He says 'no temptation has seized you except what is common to man. and I am faithful; I will not let you be tempted (or tried) beyond what you can bear.  and when you are tempted, I will provide a way out so you can stand up under it.'  so why am i worried again?  He says 'do not fear, for I am with you and I am your God.  I will strengthen and help and uphold you victoriously.  I have called you by name. you are Mine.  you will not drown or be consumed by fire.'  and as if that wasn't enough, He says 'I am your Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father, Mighty God, and Wonderful Counselor.'  so really, what backing and excuses do i have now with my worry? if i need peace, He will be it.  if i need counseling, He will be it.  if i need strength and might, He will be it.  if i need fatherly love or direction or even discipline, He will be it.  the power that is in me and for me is the same power that raised Christ from the dead.  He sustains the flowers and birds that are here today but gone tommorrow, won't He more surely care for His child? He is my portion, He is mine forever.

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