Monday, August 23


back here at good old LR. moved everything in yesterday. organized everything the way i like it (for the most part anyways). i like the LLC. it's cozy with 4 of us in here, but it's nice. we've all been pretty tired and chill with moving in and then classes starting soon. even if we don't do anything outrageous, it's nice to just be around people. it's so much different sitting and surfing the web alone vs in a room with other people. even if you don't really talk to the others or anything, theres just the community of being around each other. it's weird being back on campus and not being the youngest ones. knowing our way around and seeing all the freshman we don't recognize. there's so many freshman this year! all the dorm rooms on campus are full and they rented out some apartments nearby. i like being an upperclassmen though... i like knowing the jist of what's gonna happen and everything. and knowing people. that's a big plus. i feel like i'm at the point where i know enough people that i'm almost guaranteed to be able to find someone to eat with or whatever. and once classes and other stuff like cru start, i'll meet more people like all the freshmen. i'm excited to meet and get to know them. went on a sunrise hike today. good as always :) esp since we went to bed at like 830 last night cause we were so tired. going to bed later tonight, but have to get up for classes to start tomorrow. i've got 820s everyday... yippee... ;)

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